
Tuesday, 23 April 2013

What a great idea! An event you can not miss.

These days we all need to save our money and when we buy clothes they have to be versatile and suitable for more than one occasion. Even so, we all end up having tons of clothes in our wardrobes that we haven't worn in ages and we always think the same "I will wear it next season", "I'm going on a diet so I'll be able to wear it again soon". Any number of excuses, but we know they're not true. At the end of every season our wardrobe is still cluttered with unworn items. If this is true for you, here is some important news: on 2 May between 19h - 22h there will be a great new event in Lisbon (PT) where you can get rid of all those unwanted clothes and find yourself something new that you actually want to wear. This event is called "Fashion in Recession" (F'nR) and it will take place at the Fontecruz Hotel (Avenida da Liberdade). And what is it all about? Exchanging clothes we no longer want. 

The idea is originally from Sao Paulo (Brazil) and has been imported to Portugal by the image consultant Andreza Fazio

This event has some rules:

Free entrance. 
  • You should register on the Facebook page of "Fashion in Recession"
  • All clothes should be delivered before or on the same day of the event before 20h. 
  • Clothes, shoes and accessories (women’s & men’s) will be accepted. They have to be in good condition (and at least clean). 
  • While the clothes are being collected, the people running the event will decide which are the TOP items, the ones that deserve to be in the spotlight. 
  • Every piece will be awarded points, represented by a fictitious currency. Every single piece that is accepted from you will be given a value so you can spend your “currency” as you wish. 
  • The payment with this “currency” will take place at the end so all the participants will be able to try the new pieces and if you want, ask for advice form fashion advisor Pedro Crispim and his team (Andreza Fazio and Liliana Moreno), so you can guarantee you are going to take a piece back home that won't sit in your wardrobe forever and never see the light of day. 
  • If anyone doesn’t spend all their “currency”, it will be registered so they can spend what is left over at future editions that will happen once a month. 
  • You can take any clothes not accepted for this event back home or you can give them to charity (the Salvation Army). 
So what are you waiting for? It’s time to clear out your wardrobe! No more excuses! 

See you all at Fashion in Recession. 


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